Page 18 - SAMA Quality PLAN
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Sama Global Quality Management Plan  January 2023

 Submittal Transmittal Form                      Initial Phase Inspection Meeting
 Permit Logs                                     Initial Phase Meeting Log
 Safety Inspection Checklist                     Initial Phase/Meeting Follow-up
 Subcontractor’s Field Report                    Contractors Daily Production Reports
 Preparatory Inspection Meetings and             Contractors Quality Control Reports
                                                  Deficiency Log
    Forms                                         Prefinal/Final Checklist
 Preparatory Phase Meeting Log
 Preparatory Phase/Meeting Follow-up
A commitment to survey Sama Global performance and to obtain Client comments pertaining to job
satisfaction is solicited during and after project completion. Any Client feedback on work products or
procedures shall be brought to the attention of the PLQCM, QCI, PM, and Program Manager.

5.2 Corrective Action Plan

The Sama Global Quality Program provides for the prompt detection and correction of conditions adverse to
quality. Corrective and preventive action extends to the performance of subcontractors and vendors and is
responsive to feedback and complaints from customers. Preventive action emphasizes planning and pro-
activity to prevent conditions adverse to quality. The corrective action procedure emphasizes root cause
determination and the prevention of recurrences to achieve client satisfaction.

Implementation of corrective action begins with the identification of potential or existing conditions adverse
to quality. The extent of corrective or preventive action taken is commensurate with the magnitude of the
condition and associated risk factor(s). At a minimum, the following is incorporated as part of the
corrective/preventative action:

     Discrepancy report (prepared by QCI) is immediately given to the PM/Construction Manager.

     Identify deficiency on the Daily Report.

     Place rework item on the Rework Log.

     Suggest corrective/preventative measures.

     Identify time tables for final resolution (coordinated with the PM and other key project staff).

     After correction, perform additional follow-up inspections and document compliance.

Any Client feedback on project issues or requests for corrective action shall be documented and routed to
the PLQCM as appropriate.

The QCI is responsible for the coordination, recording on the daily report, and monitoring of corrective and
preventive action related to product quality. The QCI shall report to management any significant condition
adversely affecting quality that necessitates corrective action and identify steps taken to prevent

Discrepancies or any other type of non-compliance with work requirements, including safety violations, are
recorded by a QC audit team member on the applicable QC form. Each discrepancy or non-compliance is
assigned numbers by the QCI. These reports are reviewed weekly with the PM to identify problems or trends
with any particular subcontractor.

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