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Sama Global Quality Management Plan                                           January 2023

functions are established. It is the responsibility of the PLQCMs to provide initial training to QCIs and other
members of the project team when a new project is initiated.

‫ﻟﻤﯿـــــــﺔ‬S‫ﻌﺎ‬A‫اﻟ‬M‫ـﺎ‬A‫ـــ‬G‫ـــ‬L‫ـــ‬O‫ﻤ‬B‫ﺳ‬AL8. ROLE IN CUSTOMER RELATIONS

SiG has a strong interest in maintaining excellent business relationships with its clients and customers. The
QCI will meet with the Client QC inspector daily. Meetings are scheduled periodically as arranged with the
Client onsite representative to discuss progress as well as concerns and problems. Sama Global advocates
frequent communication between Sama Global personnel and Client representatives to provide a forum in
which progress, problems, issues, upcoming inspections, procedural concerns, or any project-related topic
can be openly discussed and resolved.

In the event of an unavoidable interruption in the Quality Management Program, Sama Global will notify
the Client representative immediately, both verbally and in writing. The client will be informed of the
nature of the interruption, its estimated duration, and the corrective actions taken to rectify the situation.

One of the tools used routinely for quality and performance feedback from clients is Sama Global's

Performance Assessment Report (PAR.) The PAR requests feedback in the following eight areas:

 Customer Satisfaction                               Responsiveness

 Organization                                        Subcontracts and Management

 Quality                                             Pricing Structure

 Timeliness                                          Safety

The PAR is used to ascertain client perceptions of Sama Global performance so that any issues can be
identified early and quickly resolved. The PLQCM and QCI are responsible for responding constructively on
quality-related issues identified by the client in the PAR.


A Quality Management Program is maintained for Sama Global corporate functions as well as its project
sites. The purpose of the Corporate Quality Management Program is to ensure that adequate guidance is
provided to support consistent business practices and to further ensure compliance with that guidance. The
program is intended to be both forward-looking and supportive of Sama Global Field Operations.

In the Corporate Quality Management Program, the responsible managers for Sama Global business
processes – such as estimating, proposal preparation, purchasing, accounting, human resources
management, contracts management, and accounts payable – are selected for annual audits. The annual
schedule and audit results will be submitted to the Sama Global, LLC Board of Governors. The managers for
each business process will be responsible to the Board of Governors for resolution of the findings of any

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