Page 11 - SAMA Quality PLAN
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Sama Global Quality Management Plan  January 2023

3.1.4 Control of Customer Supplied Materials

Sama Global's practice of maintaining custody and responsibility over all customer-supplied material and
equipment is provided for in this section of the CQCP.

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The specific procedures followed by the QCM or QCI are set forth in this section. In accordance with UFGS
Section 1451A, Contractor Quality Control, Sama Global uses a three phase inspection process to ensure
quality of construction meet contract requirements.

Phase 1 – Preparatory: A preparatory phase meeting is held prior to physically beginning work on each
definable feature of work, after all required plans, documents, and other materials are approved or
accepted, and after copies are at the work site. Sama Global will notify the Client on-site representative at
least 48 hours in advance of the beginning of the preparatory phase. (Note: It is recognized that, while this
notice may be desirable, it may be difficult to achieve due to timely availability of client representatives or
subcontractors.) At this meeting the QCI meets with the Client inspector and/or subcontractor personnel
involved in the feature of work.

Phase 2 – Initial: The initial phase meeting is accomplished at the beginning of a definable feature of work
to establish the level of quality required for that feature of work. The initial phase shall be repeated each
time a new subcontractor crew is assigned or the established level of workmanship is not being met as
determined by the QCI. The QCI monitors and inspects the work daily. The Client inspector will be notified a
minimum of 48 hours prior to beginning the initial phase.

Phase 3 – Follow-up: The follow-up phase consists of the daily inspections to ensure all requirements of the
contract have been met. Citing and correcting deficiencies in the timeliest manner is the key result of Phase
3 inspections.

The three-phase system of control is used for each definable feature of work. The QCI approves or certifies
submittals before they are transmitted to the Contracting Officer’s Inspection Representative. The QCI
examines all materials and or equipment that will be incorporated in the project; damage, malfunction, or
deterioration are recorded on the daily report and reported to the PM. Additional detail on the procedures,
including a flowchart, is provided in Section 4.0 of this manual.

3.1.6 Design Quality Control

When the scope of the project includes design (such as in design-build projects), the CQCP includes
provision for design QC. Sama Global requires that the designer maintain complete QC over each phase of
the design process by assigning a Design QC Manager (DQCM). The DQCM assures continual compliance
with Client’s RFP, scope of work, specifications, standards, codes, and needs. To ensure suitable
constructability the DQCM works closely with the PM, the Construction QC Manager (CQCM) and the
PLQCM throughout the life of the project.

3.1.7 Inspection and Testing Procedures

Inspection and testing (as required) during all stages of the construction cycle assures that only a product or
feature of work that has passed the required inspection and test is used or built upon. Inspection and test
status of material, parts, and features of work are clearly indicated on daily reports and inspection records
throughout construction.

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